Cubism pablo picasso
Cubism pablo picasso

cubism pablo picasso

Cubism pablo picasso series#

One of the converts was Georges Braque and when he submitted a series of paintings to the Salon, Matisse, who was infuriated by Braque's defection, was instrumental in the Salon's rejection of all of Braques' works. When Picasso had produced his Demoiselles, many young artists that had previously followed Matisse, began to follow Picasso is his radical new style of painting. Matisse's reputation had grown to the point that he had been allowed to become one of the Salon's jury members. The latter's Blue Nude painting had caused a public scandal at the Salons des Indépendent (annual Paris art show of contemporary French art) and had caused art critic Louis Vauxcelles to refer to Matisse and his followers as Les Fauves (the wild animals), which led to Fauvism and made Matisse's reputation as the leading avant-garde artist, something he was very fond of. To understand where the term cubism comes from, we have to digress on the rivalry that existed between Picasso and Matisse. Although largely abstract, the faceted technique still produces a recognizable image of the subject. Many paintings of analytical cubism are faceted (see for instance Georges Braque's "Mandola", below), a technique that allows the artist to disect and reconstruct his subject in a way that depicts its essence rather than its appearance. Analytical cubism lasted until 1911 and is characterized by monochrome, relatively unemotional paintings that depict rather uneventful subjects, such as still lives. Les Demoiselles d'Avignon represents Picasso's époque negre which was inspired by African art and overlaps the first phase in cubism, which is called analytical cubism. Arriving at the concept of depicting an object as seen from different viewpoints independently, Pablo Picasso and Georges Braque soon became good friends and went on to develop the visual language of cubism in close cooperation, an alliance that Picasso would sometimes call a marriage.

cubism pablo picasso

In this painting Picasso depicts human figures by making use of several viewpoints, which became one of the characteristic features of cubism. Braque had studied Cézanne's method of representing three dimensions as seen from several viewpoints, in the same year (1907) that Picasso created his Les Demoiselles d'Avignon. Now we know that he has to share to honor with Georges Braque. During the early days of cubism historians attributed the creation of cubism to one man: Pablo Picasso.

Cubism pablo picasso